Thursday, March 15, 2007

March blogger bloom day

I noticed on Zanthan Gardens' site that today is March Garden Bloggers Bloom Day (an idea of Carol at May Dreams Gardens, a blog I've not looked at before, for garden bloggers to list everything blooming in their gardens on the 15th of each month). I admire Zanthan's meticulous garden recordkeeping and, while I'm not sure I'll ever manage to collect the depth of information about my garden that she does about hers, I think I can manage to compile a monthly list.

So here's my list for March (using Carol's rule that buds count, at least in March):

• Bush germander (Teucrium fruticans); the variety with the darker flowers
• Salvia greggii (raspberry), first blooms opened this week
• Old Blush rose, covered in buds and blooms (shown in picture at top)
• Salvia nemarosa "May Night", several buds
• Pansies and violas in a pot
• Orange bulbine (Bulbine frutescens)
• Wisteria, about half the buds are open (see yesterday's post for a picture)
• Potato vine (Solanum jasminoides), the white variety

And a few more I thought of later, on places I forget to look earlier:

• Texas mountain laurel, hidden away on the side of the house
• Mexican honeysuckle, which bloomed hidden away all winter in the front bed
• Yellow bulbine, hidden under the yaupon in the front bed